If you want to become a psychophysiologist, this is what you have to do: Before you give up and resign a study you must first design you must balance each condition so to understand cognition stimuli in fast succession paradigm at your discretion Find a subject, pay him fair chain him to the dentist's chair thick gel, stick well electrodes on the head, gal suck the signals from his brain measure him again and again Grey brain, white brain left brain, right brain split brain, fit brain I'm in the shit brain Peabrain, flea brain thick brain, sick brain super brain, water brain this is driving me insane Stimulate, activate 100 Hz sampling rate average your waveform do a Wood McCarthy norm be a freak, seek the peak take a break and have a leak Eyeblink in sync covers up the missing link reject it, correct it otherwise neglect it Correlate, investigate never not be up-to-date follow-up, write it up replicate and don't be late Peabrain, flea brain thick brain, sick brain super brain, water brain this is driving me insane Grey brain, white brain left brain, right brain split brain, fit brain I'm in the shit brain EEG, ERP P3 and CNV FFT and CSD less for you and more for me P-I-N-V stop off for a cup of tea Poster, lecture conference, conjecture... if you’re going to a conference, please practise your English:: The pain in the brain comes mainly from the sprain The locus of the focus is the ulcus in the sulcus The pain in the brain comes mainly from the sprain The locus of the focus is the ulcus in the sulcus This is what you do at conferences: First think, then take a deep breath: Congregate, communicate illuminate, pontificate intimidate and ruminate elaborate, gesticulate vociferate, exaggerate reiterate and postulate substantiate and educate negotiate, congratulate and in the break: Masticate, intoxicate I bet you ate glutamate exhilarate and titillate violate the intimate adulterate and copulate fornicate, recuperate then back to work: Cooperate, evaluate associate, infuriate affiliate, insinuate repudiate and contemplate Assimilate, interrogate consolidate, collaborate calculate and understate expostulate in hot debate Tit brain, bit brain bat brain, fat brain floppy brain, soppy brain singing in the rain brain Lame brain, tame brain think brain, shrink brain Cupid brain, stupid brain come and join the brain drain and don't forget the dipoles: ASA, BESA analyse a seizure it's a doddle with this model guaranteed to please yer Localize the dipole source analyse its time course put in in the MRI don't stop to wonder why Grey matter, white matter former, latter, does it matter? think it's in the limbic tract or is it just an artifact? Shift it up a little higher see how all those neurons fire move the dipole to the right work on it throughout the night get the data down to size you're ready for the Nobel Prize! Lame brain, tame brain think brain, shrink brain Cupid brain, stupid brain come and join the brain drain Tit brain, bit brain bat brain, fat brain floppy brain, soppy brain singing in the rain brain Grey brain, white brain left brain, right brain split brain, fit brain I'm in the shit brain Peabrain, flea brain thick brain, sick brain super brain, water brain this is driving me insane Now we've come a long way So that is all I have to say