Keep it safe! Lie down on the floor! Bang down in the dusty corner! Bury yourself alive and let your grave grow with weeds.
Everything’s predestined for you. Conservation’s much safer under the ground. Decrepit values will be buried behind the dead eyes.
The victims of the sins of others crawl out of the shelter Once again to drink the rusty lie and transform in sands of the universe.
The consumer artwork promotes the frail taste. The consumer artwork promotes...
The floating drove graze on the meadows of greed and lifemanship. Run-of-the-mill tribes bury diversity covering with concrete slab.
The victims of the sins of others crawl out of the shelter Once again to drink the rusty lie and transform in sands of the universe. The victims of the sins of others crawl out of the shelter Once again to drink the rusty lie and transform in sands of the universe.
Don’t wasted on the hill of beans!
With targeted strike hit devourer of your precious time.