In England's third world corner, beyond the North divide An ugly city crouches there with nothing but it's pride And each and every one of us that walks it's dirty streets Has never worked a day in full; vagabonds and thieves. God give strength to those who have to culture us They're so kind to give their time to such damned ignorance.
There's a moon on the Mersey tonight With a pale and translucent light "Why?" they shout ,"is the moon such a fool?" "To lend it's light to Liverpool?"
All the whining scousers are gathered in the bars, Drinking's all we do up here, that and stealing cars The BBC come all the way to patronise and fuss, They make their comic programmes so the world can laugh at us. Excuse me please, my friend just died, He was crushed against a gate I've got time to steal his cash, before I urinate.
There's a moon on the Mersey tonight With a pale and translucent light "Why?" they shout ,"is the moon such a fool?" To lend it's light to Liverpool.