1* we can't be tight. there's not alone place from ache I see to glows your fate. wake me asap tried out end so, the brave given to me increases so, winding , telling another I don't worry it. we throw away everything
何か物足りないぞ その声は枯れ 何度も繰り返してた 今のままでは終われない
2* let's now. I'll make highest day I wanna control my nightmare I don't fall down anymore. Are you ready? brain on outside push me up how do you do with my hand? and pleasures come on line we readied to go. make we up you are pretty bud bloom. pretty bud bloom stay
feel one more chance. and what you say? 選んだ言葉は resolution, It's enough of all
毎回最終話バリの勢いで! そう、冷めないで 自信を足して 君と言うよ 2* let's now. I'll make highest day I wanna control my nightmare I don't fall down any more. Are you ready? brain on outside push me up how do you do with my hand? and pleasures come on line we readied to go. make we up you are pretty bud bloom. pretty bud bloom start
続くイメージを広げて 何度だって越えていった 明日に向かう覚悟固め 定めて4*now, I down this new world