dust and hair on the floor. there are fug in this space. trash is easy to gather in this store at the midnight. They don't have the relationship. though, when I awake , they come here every single night.
I'v never seen a fool such as they. my kindness was distorted by them. I'm tied up here , so I can't show feels. the crimson curtain is sneering for me. I seemed to have gone mad before I knew it. an unstable border. break it off.
1*my daydream is looping at all day and night. it's my turn to strike.just you wait. I need to believe in myself more. the fear that my sense corrupted. hatred is a driving force to defeat it. I'm fighting calmly today in this dingy space. I screamed until there's nothing left , and I awake again now.
I've never seen a trast such as they. my heart becomes cold day by day. I'm tied up here , so I can't show feels. the crimson curtain is ill-matched in this store. I cannot take it. my past. the poker face making my discomfort index. I don't wanna become such guys. feel too bad. the incandescent lamp lights up many trusts. can I pick up anything which I lost to those shadows? I watch the old me who fall down on this floor.