I don’t want your stupid chocolates, made with processed cocoa, grown and harvested by wage slaves, on monoculture farms, in impoverished 21st-century colonies.
I don’t want your stupid cards, made with processed paper, grown and harvested by wage slaves, in disappearing rainforests, in impoverished 21st-century colonies.
Don’t give me those stupid flowers, grown and harvested by wage slaves, who break their backs, and poison their bodies with chemical pesticides, just so you can show your vacuous “love,” with empty acts of commercial kindness, on a state-sanctioned holiday, when they give you permission, when the card and candy companies give you permission.
Love is a bourgeois construct, used to distract us from our pain, defined to maximize profit.
Who needs religion as the Opiate of the Masses when you have love, almighty Love?
It’s the answer to everything. Or so they say. But you can’t just love all the world’s material problems away.
You can’t eat love. Love doesn’t fill empty stomachs. And you can’t find shelter in love. Love doesn’t house the homeless.
No matter how high the dose, love won’t stop the endless war, the ecocide, the exploitation, the poverty, the plight of the poor.
The oppressed couldn't care less if you pretend to love them. They don’t need your condescending charity. They just want the oppression to end. The world doesn’t need love; it needs solidarity.
Love is a bourgeois construct, used to distract us from our pain, defined to maximize profit. It doesn’t have to be this way; capitalism kills love. Destroy capitalism to save it.