And it's the thrill of life that enables us to flow. Locked in the spirit's line, souls entwine, to journey on as one. I guess it's the fear of all that keeps us on the road. Locked in the spirit's line, souls entwine, to journey on as one.
Behold our creation... A walking dead. Step back and realize what you are fed. Escape the mortal mentality. It's a lesson that can't be ignored for long. My destination lies within the song.
Blistering reality. Imagining a world in limelight. Never will it be out of my reach. I've heard the lies a million times, but did it ever steal from my soul? Bleeding from the lungs, I see, a life complete above the darkest hole.
And it's the thrill of life that enables us to flow. Locked in the spirit's line, souls entwine, to journey on as one.
A world so masochistic. Envious, broken system. The infant braving infested waters, collecting prominent rage. Torment in reality, for I leave it.