You said you'd be okay, but you lied. So I dream about one day turning 21, while all the while being 15 locked inside your parents' house. You're someone I know. I know you too well, like the soft spot on your neck or your weakness for soft drinks. You make me feel scared, you make me feel like a child, or the devil, or whatever will communicate to you that what I did was wrong. So I watch you from afar but wait across your block, hoping you're home from college and I can tell you about the kind of piece of shit I am. I'm talking about obsession and I don't think you'll quite understand me. I don't think we were ever meant for each other. Maybe I'm just not meant for you. Let's talk about the children we'll never have over coffee. They can burn in your belly and I'll scream at you for the sake of irritability's sake. I can't stand still. My back won't sit straight. Your expresionlessness when you're angry makes me sit on my own emotions. Comparing you to train tracks will never do you justice. Amateur poetry will never serve its purpose. You were company worth keeping. But now, you're just the sum total of everything, all at once. Tell me you'll be okay because I still think about you, I still worry over you, I still love your face. You're the one. I will always stay the same.