This is the story of Peter Pan, a boy who never grew up, but ran away when he was small, to live in the Neverland.
The Neverland is an island children visit in their dreams, where anything can happen. To reach it, you have to be able to fly.
Peter could fly. Sometimes, when he felt lonely, he used to go back to the human world. He listened at nursery windows to the bedtime stories mothers told to their children. He hoped one day to take back some playmates with him to the Neverland.
Three children called Wendy, Michael and John Darling, living happily with their father and mother, near Kensington Gardens. (This was one of Peter's favourite places, and you can see a statue of him there.)
The children had an unusual nurse, called Nana, a big Newfoundland dog. She slept in a kennel in the nursery, and always woke up the instant any of the children cried in the night. She even took them to school, carrying an umbrella in her mouth in case it rained.
If she had been on guard the night Peter came to tempt them, this story would never have happened.