The bough is plowing through the oceans vastness The wind is blowing in the large white sails From the look-out the men watch the endless sea And on the mast... shines and gleams a golden doubloon
Monomanic Mind (x2)
The bough is plowing through the oceans vastness The wind is blowing in the large white sails From the look-out the men watch the endless sea And on the mast... shines and gleams a golden doubloon
Sitting in his cabin The captain awaits his demon Impatient pacing the deck But also with great expectations
There she blows! Right ahead! The boats are lowered roar and pull!
Sitting in his cabin The captain awaits his demon Impatient pacing the deck But also with great expectations
Stand up! Give it to him! The harpoon is flying through the air Monomanic Mind... Monomanic Mind
A fight that lasts for three whole days Blood and water sweat and spray
And in the end the boats are gone Only the whale and Ismael remain