Rant! Split the middle over-drama-sized… Kept ‘em all at a vicious arms-length… in a clench with clout reign… Fakes-frauds-push-slide-and-shtick Start fires through the storming… Burn every bridge in an instant. Cold, rife decision/glib observation/(so I) snuff imitation/destroy tradition… And rant with me!
Rant! in the centre of a spotlight… Another fist rips hard through the heart… On the brink of a flat line… (The) Vogue dies… The craze falls… In peak condition/the scrap defines them/distinct decision/(I will) destroy tradition… And rant with me…
Rant! (And I’ll slip/and shake/I’ll slip/and stick) Let them fall on their asses… Rant! It’s this reputation/an institution/reiteration/I will destroy tradition… and… Rant with me rant! (And I’ll slip/and shake/then slip/and stick) Let them fall on their asses…Rant!