Pimsleur – French III – leçon dix-huit Autres proverbes – other proverbs 01. Mieux vant tard que jamais. Better late than never. 02. Quand le vin est tiré, il faut le boire. What's done is done. literal translation: When the wine is drawn, you have to drink it. 03. Autres temps, autres moeurs. Other times, other customs. 04. Un tien vant mieux que deux tu l'auras. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. literal translation: One that you have is better than two you will have. 05. Rira bien qui rira le dernier. He who laughs last, laughs best. literal translation: He will laugh well who will laugh last. 06. Tout est bien qui finit bien. All's well that ends well.