1)Volcano burns in my secret heart Flame and rocks burst forth with the cry of the song Your feelings are complex phenomenon, they can change the map of the world, Your tears like violent torrents, that can blew up terrible storm Volcano opens the tunnel to Inferno Six Circle of blindness Appear before a God’s tribunal those who never excepted the light!
PS: Volcano, will never leave smoke and ashes behind All times, flames burn inside! Never denying the light 2) Your life is the shortest time possible, you choose the direction to move To reap the fruits of a great victory your principles have to be proved If they make you happy as well the world better and flowers come into full bloom Volcano will never go out like candle like cardamon scent of parfume At Kara Dag bottom you feel like immortal have no time of trouble at all! Let’s make the volcano erupting welfare and cultivate good deeds as well!