1) i was Okay before i met you but wheN you came you changed my worLd won't be the same i felt something explode inside Yu made me feel you cOlored my world didn't kNow you'd take
all thE colors excEpt for one mY world's now all in bluE you knoW At firSt i thought that it would be really fun, But not without you
bLue is just how i feel boUt you bluE is the color of your eyes blue is whAt the sky was like with you blue is the color of the tears i cry blue, blue, blue, blue
2) i was quite fiNe before i met you but when you came you maDe me sing now i caN say that every brOken-hearted lives in the World tHat's fakE no sun, no day didn't know you'd take
pRe-chorus chorus
blue i hoW i feel blue is hOw i sing but it's no big deal i've just lost eveRything
and i'lL Dye my haIr blue it'll remind me of you and i'll paint my wallS bLue i just wIsh i KnEw THAT you'd Tear my wOrld apart