Cara bel, cara mia bella. (My dear, beautiful darling.) Mia bambina, a tra che la stima che la stima. (My child that I admire.) A cara mia, addio! (To my dear, farewell!) Mia bambina cara, perche non passi lontana si lontana de scienza? (My dear girl, why don't you stay away, yes away from science?) Cara cara mia bambina. (My dear, dear girl.) A mia bel. (To my lovely.) A mia cara. (To my dear.) A mia cara. (To my dear.) A mia bambina. (To my Child.) A cara, cari a mi! (My dear, dear to me!)
Portal 2 turret song (HD) The portal 2 turret song (Harmonie) at the game end!, subscribe for full walkthroughs for portal ...
Portal 2 Turret Opera I just finished Portal 2 today - wonderful game - and I loved the Turret opera at the end almost ...
portal 2 turret song animation portal 2 turret song animation ... Portal 2 - Core transfer Flash animation 포탈2 코어교체 애니메이션 ...
Portal 2 - Turret Opera Translated to English [HD ... Used the best of my ability to hear/sound out the Italian lyrics (and even surfed the web) so I ...
Yogscast - Portal 2 Secret: Turret Song! Some cute turrets practice their harmonies! :x Thanks Lalna for spotting this one!