Welcome to America land of the free and the brave Where the government takes your life away if they're ever in need of a slave They hand you boots they hand you a helmet and then your passed a gun If they come around lookin' for me you can bet your ass I'll run
I wont fight for you cause you wouldn't fight for me I wont die for you cause you wouldn't die for me
No you just sit there with your shoes up on your desk laughing while the youth is out there doing all the rest The rich are kings poor are pawns fighting all your wars Sorry Uncle Sam I'm not dying for your cause
I wont fight for you cause you wouldn't fight for me I wont die for you cause you wouldn't die for me
Welcome to America land of the free and the brave Government takes your life away if they're ever in need of a slave Hand you boots hand you a helmet and then your passed a gun If they come around lookin' for me you can bet your ass I'll run
Cause I wont fight for you cause you would'nt fight for me I wont die for you cause you wouldn't die for me