Denying whom we love There is no greater pain Has fear of repercussion ever led us to a gain? Men and women shamed For matters of the heart How can a concept as binding as love keep us apart?
Rejection, confusion Repression fueled by ignorance Stand strong, stand proud No shame in same sex marriage feelings of love and freedom greeted by aggression and hate Our children are the ones who pay the price
Imagine it’s your kin Suffering afar Ridiculed and ostracized for being who they are Septembers lessons taught The blood of innocence Empty beds in empty rooms, when will the grieving end?
Compassion, inclusion Another way to look at things We are all human beings! Fight side by side, my brothers Our pride will guide us through and through Take my hand, then I’ll take your hand too
Love thy neighbor as thyself
Never lose the faith Love will overcome Bigotry and ignorance have never won Remember who you are Nothing’s wrong with you They’re never able to tell you who’s love that you should choose