Squirting mud and exploding tanks Corpses strewn over a loamy field Screaming wounded – Streams of blood Guts, eyes, teeth trampled into the dust Dirty holes full of greedy rats Trenches filled with water and ammunition Woodcrosses with illegible names Bare-dead trees, waiting ravens
Ripped – Torn Mutilated bodies Mud – Shit Cover the battlefield Steel helmets In the barbed wire Fog – Rain Endless nightmare
Minutes like hours – Awaiting the end Deadly silence – Silence before storm Covered soldiers – Bearing the mark of death
Like a tornado the fight breaks loose Hundreds of warriorrs in a big assault Man against man, mercyless slaughter Who survives wishes he was dead Bloody bajonetts on broken rifles Enerved doctors operating without a rest Innocent women and children dying for nothing
Years are gone since the last battle Veterans – Old, sitting in wheelchairs Eyes that say so many words But the lips are closed Still the landscape is marked by the war Old cannons – Big holes in the ground Burned-out bunkers rotting trees A flower growing through a rusty helmet
Millions of crosses Over the whole world Countless witnesses To a senseless war Silent crying To the government Just a word: "WHY?"