I was walking down, down my street When all of a sudden she spoke to me She asked a question I said leave me be And then she started she stared to scream
Meaning the meaning in her Mindless convulsions of what She wants what she needs for her Psychoneuroses cloak her
I am what you will become If you don't release all of These things that you feel inside Taking control of it losing control of it I say that's all of it I decide
I can't take it living inside of you You can't take it living inside of you
Feeling the feelings in your Soulless abrasions mental Taking away from all that You are conceiving have none
Living these days can't get away From all this suffering pain That you feel deep inside
I cannot see I cannot be Talking to me living inside of you I cannot see it cannot be Talking to me living inside of you Run getting away from it I am free taking control of it You fucked me can't take no more of it