conviction enabled ibrahim to wade into the fire conviction is an intoxicant which makes man self-sacrificing know you, o victims of modern civilization lack of conviction is worse than slavery
don’t you walk away fight for the sake of your own lives from clues that leads your way fight for the sake of the next world don’t you burst your fate die for the sake of your own lives for such a pleasing wealth die or the sake of the next world
conviction enabled Ismail decapitated by his father conviction is an intoxicant, which makes man self-sacrificing know you, o victims of ancient cultures civilization lack of conviction is worse than jahiliah
don’t you dare to think that in each every moment of your life God only give you 1 or 2 fates, there are millions!! you will never know what the best is if you are out of guts..lack of faith which is the best choice that focus to what life is for obvious to die
never say that you’re not able to choose your fate with conscious of your faith never say that God would only give you nothing but the worse of your fates