Aquae fovens vivificus iam incumbebat spiritus, ut hinc aquae iam tunc conciperent, unde prolem nunc sacram parerent.
Mundi quoque primordia lucis venustans gratia, dixit Deus: Sit lux, et facta est, a tenebris inde divisa est.
In the beginning of the material world, there was the spiritual world heaven and earth at the same time.
The earth was hidden, waste and void, covered with water and the image of the profound maelstrom darkened the covering blackness.
The spirit, bending down, gave life to the water, that the water than received, from which it now bears the sacred brood.
The elements of the world are also inspired from the beauty of the light. And god said: Let there be light, and there was. From darkness it is separated ever since.