You and I long to live like the wind upon the water. If we close our eyes, we'll maybe realize there's more to life than what we have known. -- And I can't believe I've spent so long living lies I know were wrong inside; I've just begun to see the light!
Long ago there was a dream -- We had to make a choice or two. Leaving all I loved behind for what nobody knew. Stepped out on the stage; a life under lights and judging eyes. Now the applause has died and I can dream again . . .
Is there anybody listening? Is there anyone that sees what's going on? Read between the lines -- criticize the words they're selling. Think for yourself and feel the walls become sand beneath your feet.
Feel the breeze? Time's so near (you can almost taste the freedom!) There's a warm wind from the south; Hoist the sail and we'll be gone -- By morning this will all seem like a dream! And if I don't return to sing the song, maybe just as well. I've seen the news and there's not much I can do . . . alone.
Is there anybody listening? Is there anyone who smiles without a mask? What's behind the words -- Images they know will please us? I'll take what's real. Bring up the lights.
Is there anybody listening? Is there anyone that sees what's going on? Read between the lines -- criticize the words they're selling. Think for yourself and feel the walls become sand beneath your feet.