Los set gotxs recomptarem et devotement xantant humilment saludarem la dolça verge Maria. Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum Virgo serena
Verge fos anans del part pura e sans falliment en lo part e prés lo part sens negun corrumpiment Lo Fill de Déus Verge pia de vós nasque verament.
Verge tres reys d'Orient cavalcant amb gran corage al l'estrella precedent vengren al vostr'e bitage. Offerint vos de gradatge Aur et mirre et encenç.
Verge estant dolorosa Per la mort del Fill molt car Romangues tota joyosa Can lo vis resuscitar. A vos madre piadosa Prima se volch demostrar
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord may be with you, serene Virgin. We tell you of the seven joys and sing with devotion, humbly greeting the sweet Virgin Mary. Virgin, before your labour you were pure and faultless, from your labour and after it you remained uncorrupted; the son of God was truly born of you, pure Virgin. Virgin, three Kings from the Orient, riding with great courage, following the star, they arrived at your house. They offered you -one after the other- gold and myrrh and incense.