February is month number two, The shortest of all the months, it’s true. Usually twenty-eight days, but sometimes At leap year, then there’ll be twenty-nine.
February second is Groundhog Day, We’ll wait for the animal to come out and play. Let’s hope his shadow he does not see, It means spring will soon be here for you and me.
February is month number two, The shortest of all the months, it’s true. Usually twenty-eight days, but sometimes At leap year, then there’ll be twenty-nine.
February fourteenth is Valentine’s Day, We’ll give out cards and “I love you,” we’ll say. Time for chocolate, and candy hearts too, Pink and red flowers for me and you.
February is month number two, The shortest of all the months, it’s true. Usually twenty-eight days, but sometimes At leap year, then there’ll be twenty-nine.
February also brings President’s Day, Remembering those who paved the way For the US to become so great, And that is why we celebrate.
February is month number two, The shortest of all the months, it’s true. Usually twenty-eight days, but sometimes At leap year, then there’ll be twenty-nine.