Rainbow Dash: Listen to me, Spike, I'll teach you how to fly. You've just got to be fast, Then you'll be in the sky. And soaring, whirling, dashing!
Rarity: Now hold on, Rainbow Dash, It's not just about speed. Elegance and grace Is what you really need For flitting, flying, gliding.
Rainbow Dash: \"Elegance and grace\"? Are you joking me? He'll learn of the best, And that of cource is me.
'Сuz I'm the best flyer There will ever be. Don't go acting like It's you! He'll be airborne You just wait And see, There's nothing you can do!
Rarity: I had wings before, do you not recall? And I flew with poise and style. If you taught him, all he'd do is fall. He could learn more from me by a mile!
Rainbow Dash: Oh! Heck no! Do I hear a challenge!?
Rarity: It seems So, I have far more talent!
Rainbow Dash: So tell me what you learned, When you flew up Towards the sun? Falling to your doom, Was it really fun? I saved you, it's true, don't need you.
Rarity: Oh, you're the one one to talk, After what we've seen you do! Isn't Rainbow Crash What they use to call you? You're wreckless, regardless, so careless!
Rainbow Dash: It's a skill!
Rarity: No, it's an art!
Rainbow Dash: Can't be felt, it must be taught.
Rarity and Rainbow Dash: It's the only way He'll ever reach the sky!
Rainbow Dash: 'Cuz I'm the best flyer There will ever be. Don't go acting like It's you! He'll be airborne You just wait And see, There's nothing you can do!
Rarity: I'll repeat myself: I had wings before. And I flew better than you! I could teach him all he needs and more. Looks like your time teaching him is throught!
Rainbow Dash: Oh! Heck no! You just keep on dreamin'!
Rarity: It is you. I shall be creamin'.
Spike: Things like looking down. I'm still on the ground...
Rainbow Dash: He'll be soaring high!
Rarity: Yeah, right!
Rainbow Dash: It will happen!
Rarity: It won't happen!
Rainbow Dash and Rarity: YEAH! NO!!!
Spike: You guys You're wasting Our precious time. All the while, Twilight's in jail. For tickets, My flying must Be prime. Otherwise we will fail.
Rarity: It seems Spikey-Wikey has got А рoint. We must learn to get along.