Terrorism - systematic use of terror, Manifesting itself in violence or intimidation, for generating fear Terrorism - technique used by governments To manipulate public opinion in order to further an agenda
To save the integrity of the society Political extremists creating figure of the enemy By the attacks, captures, explosions, Acts of terrorism - media projects
Violence, escalation of the situation, intimidation The aim of this shit is innocent population The murders of civilians, just evil murders By senseless and blinded suicide bombers
This war with terrorism only implies The war with your freedom, open your eyes The war with this terror is fake and farce So make war or be free, you still have a chance
By having this endless war against the terror Provided by money and lifes of taxpayers They always take constitutional rights And civil liberties away from people
The media convinced the herd that it is real The act of terrorism is just the beginning Provocation for the sake of billion profit Reason for enter the war and total chipping
This war with terrorism only implies The war with your freedom, open your eyes The war with this terror is fake and farce So make war or be free, you still have a chance