Robin was the sickest bird That ever yet did fly; And he would have his testament made, Before that he should die. And sing Fiddly linkum dinkum dinkum, Fiddly linkum dearie; Sing Hitherie titherie tando, Robin's sick and weary.
[Ye'll tak' my bonnie e'enikies, That showed me a' the licht, And ye'll gie them to some sewster dame, To hain her candle licht. And sing Fiddly linkum, etc.]
Ye'll tak' my bonnie nibbikie, That pickit a' the corn, Ye'll gie it to some aul' guidman, To be a tootin' horn And sing Fiddly linkum, etc.
Ye'll tak' my bonnie wingikies, They're o' the purple broon, And ye'll gie them to some sewster dame, To mak' a bridal goon. And sing Fiddly linkum, etc.
Ye'll tak' my bonnie leggikies, That are sae neat and trig, And ye'll gie them to some mason lad For arches to a brig. And sing Fiddly linkum, etc.
When Robin had his testament made, And ready for to die, By cam' a greedy gled, And fuppit him away. And sing Fiddly linkum, etc.