ॐ श्री शनैश्चराय नमः Om Shri Shanaishcharaya Namah The One Who Moves Slowly ॐ शान्ताय नमः Om Shantaya Namah The Peaceful One ॐ सर्वाभीष्टप्रदायिने नमः Om Sarvabhishtapradayine Namah The Fulfiller of All Desires ॐ शरण्याय नमः Om Sharanyaya Namah The Protector ॐ वरेण्याय नमः Om Varenyaya Namah The Most Excellent One ॐ सर्वेशाय नमः Om Sarveshaya Namah The Lord of All ॐ सौम्याय नमः Om Saumyaya Namah The Mild One ॐ सुरवन्द्याय नमः Om Suravandyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by Suras ॐ सुरलोकविहारिणे नमः Om Suralokaviharine Namah The One Who Wanders in the World of Suras ॐ सुखासनोपविष्टाय नमः Om Sukhasanopavishtaya Namah The One Seated Upon a Comfortable ॐ सुन्दराय नमः Om Sundaraya Namah The Beautiful One ॐ घनाय नमः Om Ghanaya Namah The Solid One ॐ घनरूपाय नमः Om Ghanarupaya Namah The One with a Solid Form ॐ घनाभरणधारिणे नमः Om Ghanabharanadharine Namah The One Who Wears an Iron Ornament ॐ घनसारविलेपाय नमः Om Ghanasaravilepaya Namah The One Anointed with Camphor ॐ खद्योताय नमः Om Khadyotaya Namah The Light of the Sky ॐ मन्दाय नमः Om Mandaya Namah The Slow One ॐ मन्दचेष्टाय नमः Om Mandacheshtaya Namah The Slow Moving One ॐ महनीयगुणात्मने नमः Om Mahaniyagunatmane Namah The One with Glorious Qualities ॐ मर्त्यपावनपदाय नमः Om Martyapavanapadaya Namah The One (the Worship at) Whose Feet Purifies Mortals ॐ महेशाय नमः Om Maheshaya Namah The Great Lord ॐ छायापुत्राय नमः Om Chhayaputraya Namah The Son of Chaya ॐ शर्वाय नमः Om Sharvaya Namah The One Who Injures ॐ शततूणीरधारिणे नमः Om Shatatuniradharine Namah The One Who Bears a Quiver of a Hundred Arrows ॐ चरस्थिरस्वभावाय नमः Om Charasthirasvabhavaya Namah The One Whose Nature is to Move Steadily ॐ अचञ्चलाय नमः Om Achanchalaya Namah The Steady One ॐ नीलवर्णाय नमः Om Nilavarnaya Namah The Blue-Colored One ॐ नित्याय नमः Om Nityaya Namah The Eternal One ॐ नीलाञ्जननिभाय नमः Om Nilanjananibhaya Namah The One with the Appearance of Blue Ointment ॐ नीलाम्बरविभूशणाय नमः Om Nilambaravibhushanaya Namah The One Adorned with a Blue Garment ॐ निश्चलाय नमः Om Nishchalaya Namah The Steady One ॐ वेद्याय नमः Om Vedyaya Namah The One Who is to be Known ॐ विधिरूपाय नमः Om Vidhirupaya Namah The One Who has the Form of the Sacred Precepts ॐ विरोधाधारभूमये नमः Om Virodhadharabhumaye Namah The Ground that Supports Obstacles ॐ भेदास्पदस्वभावाय नमः Om Bhedaspadasvabhavaya Namah The One Whose Nature is the Place of Separation ॐ वज्रदेहाय नमः Om Vajradehaya Namah The One with a Body Like a Thunderbolt ॐ वैराग्यदाय नमः Om Vairagyadaya Namah The Bestower of Non-Attachment ॐ वीराय नमः Om Viraya Namah The Hero ॐ वीतरोगभयाय नमः Om Vitarogabhayaya Namah The One Who is Free of Disease and Fear ॐ विपत्परम्परेशाय नमः Om Vipatparampareshaya Namah The Lord of Successive Misfortune ॐ विश्ववन्द्याय नमः Om Vishvavandyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by All ॐ गृध्नवाहाय नमः Om Gridhnavahaya Namah The One Whose Mount is a Vulture ॐ गूढाय नमः Om Gudhaya Namah The Hidden One ॐ कूर्माङ्गाय नमः Om Kurmangaya Namah The One with the Body of a Tortoise ॐ कुरूपिणे नमः Om Kurupine Namah The One with an Unusual Appearance ॐ कुत्सिताय नमः Om Kutsitaya Namah The One Who is Despised ॐ गुणाढ्याय नमः Om Gunadhyaya Namah The One Abounding in Good Qualities ॐ गोचराय नमः Om Gocharaya Namah The One Associated with the Range of the Senses (the Field of Action) ॐ अविद्यामूलनाशाय नमः Om Avidyamulanashanaya Namah The Destroyer of the Root of Ignorance ॐ विद्याविद्यास्वरूपिणे नमः Om Vidyavidyasvarupine Namah The One Whose Nature is Both Knowledge and Ignorance ॐ आयुष्यकारणाय नमः Om Ayushyakaranaya Namah The Cause of Long Life ॐ आपदुद्धर्त्रे नमः Om Apadurddhatre Namah The Remover of Misfortune ॐ विष्णुभक्ताय नमः Om Vishnubhaktaya Namah The Devotee of Vishnu ॐ वशिने नमः Om Vishine Namah The Self-Controlled One ॐ विविधागमवेदिने नमः Om Vividhagamavedine Namah The Knower of Manifold Scriptures ॐ विधिस्तुत्याय नमः Om Vidhistutyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to be Praised with Sacred Rites ॐ वन्द्याय नमः Om Vandyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped ॐ विरूपाक्षाय नमः Om Virupakshaya Namah The One with Manifold Eyes ॐ वरिष्ठाय नमः Om Varishthaya Namah The Most Excellent One ॐ गरिष्ठाय नमः Om Garishthaya Namah The Most Venerable One ॐ वज्राङ्कुशधराय नमः Om Vajrankushadharaya Namah the One who Holds a Thunderbolt-Goad ॐ वरदाभयहस्ताय नमः Om Varadabhayahastaya Namah The One Whose Hands Grant Boons and Remove Fear ॐ वामनाय नमः Om Vamanaya Namah The Dwarf ॐ ज्येष्ठापत्नीसमेताय नमः Om Jyeshthapatnisametaya Namah The One Whose Wife is Jyestha (the Devi of Misfortune, Elder Sister of Lakshmi) ॐ श्रेष्ठाय नमः Om Shreshthaya Namah The Most Excellent One ॐ मितभाषिणे नमः Om Mitabhashine Namah The One with Measured Speech ॐ कष्टौघनाशकर्त्रे नमः Om Kashtaughanashakartre Namah The Destroyer of an Abundance of Troubles ॐ पुष्टिदाय नमः Om Pushtidaya Namah The Bestower of Prosperity ॐ स्तुत्याय नमः Om Stutyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to Praised ॐ स्तोत्रगम्याय नमः Om Stotragamyaya Namah The One Who is Accessible Through Hymns of Praise ॐ भक्तिवश्याय नमः Om Bhaktivashyaya Namah The One Who is Subdued by Devotion ॐ भानवे नमः Om Bhanave Namah The Bright One ॐ भानुपुत्राय नमः Om Bhanuputraya Namah The Son of Bhanu (the Sun) ॐ भव्याय नमः Om Bhavyaya Namah The Auspicious One ॐ पावनाय नमः Om Pavanaya Namah The Purifier ॐ धनुर्मण्डलसंस्थाय नमः Om Dhanurmandalasamsthaya Namah The One Who Stays in the Circle of the Bow ॐ धनदाय नमः Om Dhanadaya Namah The Bestower of Wealth ॐ धनुष्मते नमः Om Dhanushmate Namah The Archer ॐ तनुप्रकाशदेहाय नमः Om Tanuprakashadehaya Namah The One Whose Body has a Thin Appearance ॐ तामसाय नमः Om Tamasaya Namah The One Associated with Tamoguna ॐ अशेषजनवन्द्याय नमः Om Asheshajanavandyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to be Worshipped by All Living Beings ॐ विशेषफलदायिने नमः Om Visheshaphaladayine Namah The Bestower of the Fruit of Discrimination ॐ वशीकृतजनेशाय नमः Om Vashikritajaneshaya Namah The Lord of Living Beings Who have Accomplished Self-Control ॐ पशूनां पतये नमः Om Pashunam Pataye Namah The Lord of Animals ॐ खेचराय नमः Om Khecharaya Namah The One Who Moves Through the Sky ॐ खगेशाय नमः Om Khageshaya Namah The Lord of Planets ॐ घननीलाम्बराय नमः Om Ghananilambaraya Namah The One Who Wears a Dense Blue Garment ॐ काठिन्यमानसाय नमः Om Kathinyamanasaya Namah The Stern-Minded One ॐ आर्यगणस्तुत्याय नमः Om Aryaganastutyaya Namah The One Who is Fit to Praised by a Multitude of Aryas