Imam frenda na otoku Bracu I have a friend on the island of Brac malo misto ..... A little town/place ...... ima sest barki He has six boats strasna je faca He's a crazy guy sijeda kosa, brada, kapa Grey hair, beard, hat na hemingveja baca He looks like Hemmingway
Ime mu je Vlado His name is Vlado mali ... ima He has little .... s kojim lovi ribu With which he catches fish a ma bas svaki dan Oh well just every day zdravo jede, pije He eats, drinks healthy nekad trgne koju vise Sometimes he drinks a bit too much zivi zivot bez stresa He lives his life without stress punim plucima dise He breaths with full lungs
take it easy take it easy slow down
a znani tip A known fellow po skroz druga slika Is the exact opposite on je tu u mome Splitu He (lives) here in my Split nadimak mu je Prika His nickname is Prika ima dvije ... He has two ...... malo djeluje .... He's a bit like ..... ima strasno puno posla He has got a lot of work radi 24/7 He works 24/7
Ide ga dobro He's doing well ima stan i dvoja kola He has a apartment and two cars jos jednu kucu One more house jahtu, veliku ka... A yacht, big like ......... a rijetko je doma But he's seldom at home ne vide ga dica i zena His kids and wife don't see him a i robuje za druge But the slaves for others jer vrimena nema because there's no time
take it easy take it easy slow down
zivi zivot sto posto Live your life a hundred per cent uzivaj u svemu Enjoy everything nemoj biti mu rob Don't be it's slave ti budi gospodar njemu You be it's master ma ne mjeri se sreca Well you don't weigh happiness po debljini dzepa On the thickness of your pocket (money) nije sve u broju zlata i srebra Not everything is in the amount of gold and silver i stari mudri ljudi kazu And old advisable people say da nije vazno koliko imas That it's not important how much you have nego koliko ti treba But how much you need
al da se ja vratim But let me get back on na svoja dva lika Those to types/guys of mine na Bracu je Vlado Vlado is on Brac nekog drugog zovu Prika They call someone else Prika i dok Vlado ima taman And while Vlado has it precisly Prika ima vecu kesu Prika has a bigger bag* ..... ....... ovaj drugi u stresu This other one/guy is in stress
kad navecer legnu At night when the go to sleep kad se ugase svitla When the lights go out Prika misli o burzi Prika thinks about the stock market akcijama, kreditima Shares, loans a Vlado se pita And Vlado asks (himself) jeli riba bila suva Was the fish dry** i kad tuka je tricom And when he beat her with a three*** kako nije pala duja How a two didn't fell***