Tracklist: Max Richter - The departure Akira Rabelais - Aphorisming, second Ben Lukas Boysen - Only in the dark Ben Lukas Boysen - Nocturne 1 Sad steps by Philip Larkin (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) This be the verse by Philip Larkin (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) Ben Lukas Boysen - Nocturne 2 Max Richter - Departure (Reflection) Jon Hopkins - Open eye signal (Asleep version) Mirror by Sylvia Plath (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) Aphex twin - Aisatsana Antonymes - The siren, hopelessly lost The tumbled sea - The people you never knew about The crunch by Charles Bukowski (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) Antonymes - Means of escape [i] Arms and sleepers - Mimema Anjou - Adjustment A dancing beggar - Ghosts Cold Summer by Charles Bukowski (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) Bosques de mi mente - No sobreviviremos otro Invierno Max Richter - Departure (Home) Max Richter - A blessing Max Richter - Departure (Lullaby) Max Richter - Family circles Max Richter - Illuminations clouds Ben Woods - To set before they rise A dancing beggar - Here come the wolves /Kontakte Remix Dustin O'Halloran - Transparent Alp - Tropen The watch by Frances Cornford (Read by Tom O'Bedlam) Respirar debaixo d'água