Towards the rapids Down the Dnepr did we glide To cross Esuppi was a wild water ride And past Holmfors and Geladri did we steer Her voice like thousand demons Ringing in our ear
Aifur now before us lies And we stare with open eyes Upon the rapid waters racing down
She is dangerous and strong Slow the ship as we go on And the currents pull The dragon down oh down
Aifur the wild Raging waters over rocks Sharp as a sword for attack
Aifur the wild May Thor guide the ship Past your demons so black Violent forever more
I stand amidst the boiling waters Towering high The rocks are sharp And slippery watch out or die Against the currents 40 viking warriors fight For many hours now Until the break of night
Watch your feet never slip Hold the boat don't lose the grip All the power worn the strength is gone
Just one more hour and we're through Aifur now we've challenged you Come on brothers tug the dragon on