? Inertia - Darkrider Loxy & Resound - Anomaly [CX Digital] Red Army - Xenophobia (VIP) Inertia - Testify Red Army - Dilaudid (Remix) Homemade Weapons & Red Army - 8421 Paragon - Libertine Digital Monk & Talabun - Conjure Homemade Weapons & Red Army - Hellabaloo Dexta & Mauoq - Werewolf (Homemade Weapons Remix) J.Robinson Feat. Sun Of Selah - Lion Music Red Army - Brevity Code [Ground Mass] Red Army - High Grade [Dust] Red Army - Witch Hunt (Refix) [Onset] Tom SMall - Next War (Bredren Remix) Nasty Habits - Shadow Boxing (Om Unit Remix) [31] Paragon - Entangled Loxy & Resound - Renaissance [CX Digital] Red Army - Creature Dub [Ground Mass] Thing - Minimal Theme The Untouchables, Gremlinz & Rumbleton - Twelve Colonies [Tribe 12] Ghost Warrior - Contagion [Free Release] Red Army - Metastamis [Dust] The Untouchables - Adamantium [Tribe 12]