I get into The game bitch from The front door i came to crave my name on ya tits yeah that's gore that ain't my best though fuck it i've already scored biitch, what the fuck is wrong You're looking pale That's scorn what do i say about it ? chill, You ain't my buddy and i made the bitch laugh one time she thinks i'm her retarded That's so fuckin gross g's acting up like puppets for the sake of fuckin bitch i will brake your fuckin nose haaaa cuz right here we're doin hip hop i crossed a long way from my 83 to make This shit poppin yeah we ain't be stopping heavy droppers wimma red star shit rockers bitch, That's real racking where's my g's radi don't think i got something to add, That's so fuckin bad they've put us all on The same track man, cuz we the proof that hip hop ain't dead ladies i'm out lemme hear ya clap
83 - 73 on the same shit, we represent the same shit bitch cuz That's what we do Uh let's win The battle g no bullshit, mc's r gettin wet while they get this cuz That's what we do uh Gas and red star You dig it's gonna get harder uh don't waste my time with This bullshit, haters gonna love us cuz of This man That's what we do
Yes ! Red Star With My Man Gas
Shit هاه ذهب لنا طابع موش نحاس Glace مانسربو Weed كانك ناوي باش تبّّّّرّد هاك تنفس حرّد جيب حجر كرّد wall لنا بري Fuckin Rebel متمرد, راد كومبا تجيني مهري أسال ألف مني وري راب مشني كيف الذري اني فوقي باغاجي كبرت , ميلادي اللوطا غبادجي BH City رادي ,, المولا يعطيني من فضلو العبد ما نحب نفضلو ,, راب بحذانا تفضلو فمو مضمضلو خلي ينوي الصيام Fight خدام Hipعشرة وال gga مادام الراضي God Daaaaamn بلي خدمنا باقي هات ، حروف عنا ما وفات خلات الي يزور يبات غدوة في الي جاي مقابل ،لغة اهلي و ناسي كلام ما عندي منو دوابل