There's a false sense of security brewing in every man and woman alike That says money is power and greed is just another means to survive (Greed Machine)
Deliver me from the American dream that fuels the ego and feeds the disease Deliver me from the American dream Set me from idolatry
It's now or never It's do or die Why store up treasures in this life
We've been conditioned to believe that all the fortune and fame is what we want and life's a game A game that's won by cheating and lying The cycle repeats
Deliver me from the American dream that never satisfies and keeps me wanting Deliver me from the American dream Life is more than money, power and greed
What would it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul
We've been conditioned to believe that all the fortune and fame is what we want and life's a game A game that's won by cheating and lying The cycle repeats
Get rich You'll die trying You can't bring your money to the grave Get rich You'll die trying Riches won't keep you safe Get rich You'll die trying You can't bring money to the grave Greed machine