Come downstairs, I'm buzzing you Come downstairs, I got nothing to do Come downstairs now Come downstairs now Come downstairs now
You know, there's a legend And it goes like this: If you kiss the lamppost between 224th street and 225th In the Bronx When it's a full moon You'll be granted three wishes
But nobody does it They don't believe in magical realism in the Bronx They don't even believe it exists in other places But especially not in the Bronx Come downstairs now I'm buzzing you It's a full moon Our wishes will come true soon
Do you know what I'd wish for? Do you know what I'd wish for? Do you know what I'd wish for? Do you know what I'd wish for?
A 24-hour Baskin-Robbins in my neighborhood An elevator in my building so that I wouldn't have to walk up to the eighth floor And also a dog.