He was an archangel of love He had good news, good news, good news, for those dedicating their lives to the spirit, spirit, spirit.
One love was the focus of the true message, message, message. Everybody felt the tension Time was fading, fading
Gabrielle playin. x4
Dancin soon became a way to com municate, municate, municate, municate. FEEL THE, MUSIC DEEP IN YOUR SOUL. ga brielle playin, playin hold on, hold on & on.
Gabrielle playin x3
Those that stand aside and watch, the soul movin, groovin, movin, groovin. Stand, clap your hands be the one to show, your love, overflowin, overflowin, overflowin,
Gabrielle playin x4
Just release your soul to the love that's holding you. That's consoling you. You're eyes are dancing in paradise. Realise, realise, realise Feelin so right, Gabrielle's playin.