就像秋天的蚊子 Like an autumn mosquito 轻轻的叮在你最温暖最柔软的地方 Biting gently your warmest and softest place 宁死不放开 宁愿受伤害 Rather get hurt and die than let go 因为冬天就要到来 Because winter is looming
青春不常在抓紧时间去恋爱 Youth is fleeting, so race against time to love 去等待 去伤害 To wait, to hurt 道路两旁的树荫 Our silhouettes cast upon 会因为我们的背影 Shady trees along the lane
去变幻 去暗淡 Sudden change, sullen gloom 这是我们的爱 This is our love 这个时代的爱 The love of this era 值得我们去等待 It is worth it for us to wait 值得我们去伤害 It is worth it for us to hurt