Now I lay me down to sleep. Tonight I am not alone; I have emptiness in my company. It reminds me of this life of loss and misfortune. My mind decays, my skin in weathered, and these bones turn to sand.
I can feel my hands fall numb. I can feel my eyes grow heavy. A feeling of sleep seems constantly dwelling. Will I struggle to hold myself up from the weight of all my failures? Will I collapse under the force of all my fears?
I live defeat. I feel it envelop me. I've lived defeat. Felt it surround me.
From the shadows comes an epiphany. It has reminded me that this is the only life I have to live. My days are what I make of them.
I've reached the epoch; my sense of purpose. My mind no longer bound to my defeat. Focused and steadied on my existence. This will I found in my darkest of days. Made by what we seek--my dreams were never out of reach. Made by what we seek--my dreams were never out of reach.