Ett tecken for Svearikets styrka En symbol for svunnen prakt Enande for oss som funnit nordens sanna styrka Enande for oss som arar svunnen makt
Den kraftiga aska du bringar Buren av guden som fardas av bockar dragen Och nar han Hrungners dod svingar da ekar de maktiga hammarslagen
[Chorus 1:] Du som skapar det maktigaste av dan Du som drapte Jordens gordel Du som svingas av Jordens son Du som aro tursars bodel
Ett vapen av stal som aldrig ger vika Talet kring din styrka kanns oandligt Vi din anda aldrig kunnat svika Heimdalls soner dig bar standigt
Aven nu da mangen forlust ar liden Vi bar dig, av Sindre smiden Pa brostet vi dig stolt skall bara Evigt trotsande varldslig fara
[Chorus 2:] Pa brostet vi dig stolt skall bara Evigt trotsande varldslig fara Vi som nordens sanna ande ara Vi som en dag till Valhall fara
Du, som Baldersbalet helgade Du, som krossade de som Odens son vredgade
[English translation]
A symbol of the Swedish kingdom's strength A symbol of lost pride Uniting for us who has found the north's true strength Uniting for us who honour lost power
The mighty thunder, you bringst Carried by the god, who travels dragged (in a chariot) by goats And when he swings Hrunger's death Then the mighty hammerblows echoes
[Chours 1:] You, who creates the mighties of thunder You who slaid the gerdle of earth You, who is swung by earth's son You, who are giants executioner
A weapon of steel, that never gives in The number of your strength seems to be endless We, in your spirit never can fail Sons of Heimdall carries you allways
Even now when we have suffered great loss We carry you, crafted by Sindre On the chest, we shall proudly carry you Eternally defying worldwide dangers
[Chorus 2:] On the chest, we shall proudly carry you Eternally defying worldwide dangers We, who honour the nordic spirit We, who one day shall travel to Valhalla
You, who blessed Balders pyre You, who crushed whoever angered Odin's son