You pull out your photos of your wedding in the spring And you'll confronted by your double chin And your bald spot glistening You could get a membership at the fitness-hut down the road Or you could pick your mouse up and slim yourself down, And even give yourself a 'fro
Your high school reunion is coming next Friday And you know everyone will ask to see some, Pictures of the babies that you've made But the problem is your kid's head is big, I mean we're talking alien size here But just cut and paste a hat or at least a do-rag, And it wont seem so severe
Photoshop your memories. A picture is worth a thousand words, So a few white lies shouldn't hurt
Your birthday, This past Monday, Was a fun day Except for one thing, Your mother in law Who makes your skin crawl Stuck her face in every frame You'd prefer To remember That day without Her tattooed brow The simpler solution Decrease the resolution And crop that woman out
Photoshop your memories Your real life may be so pop But you can be Who you want people to think you are
Make yourself thin Give yourself abs Remove that mole Say no to crack Say you went to the Alps In a luxury car With a Swedish model Just be all you want People to you think you are
Photoshop your memories A picture is worth a thousand words So a few white lies shouldn't hurt