We are the children you reject And disregard, These aching cries come From the bottom of our hearts, You can't disown us now, We are your own flesh and blood And we don't disappear Just because your eyes are shut, Now tell me...
Love, loss like a bullets path Tear through the cavity of my chest, Light's out because the fuse has blown
[Chorus:] As their castles crumble slowly We watch them fall, The crown slips from heads unworthy As we gain control
This is the family that we crossed Or never had, This is a war that was lost The day that it began, Cause it's the race we run But it keeps us at the start, And it's the song I sung From the bottom of my heart, That's how we...
Read you like a polygraph, Not one single bone in your back, Own up to how you let us down
Except for you and me, love, Everyone is the same, We know, we know, we know, we know. But if to live we have to be numb I'd rather know the pain, I'd rather know, I'd rather know...
This happens almost never But it happened once to me, And this will never be same, The ends we seam together...
I'm not after fame and fortune, I'm after you, When I've served my time I swear I will come back for you
As their castles crumble slowly We watch them fall, The crown slips from heads unworthy Right on to ours, but I'm after you...
And disregard, These aching cries come From the bottom of our hearts, You can't disown us now, We are your own flesh and blood And we don't disappear Just because your eyes are shut, Now tell me...
Love, loss like a bullets path Tear through the cavity of my chest, Light's out because the fuse has blown
[Chorus:] As their castles crumble slowly We watch them fall, The crown slips from heads unworthy As we gain control
This is the family that we crossed Or never had, This is a war that was lost The day that it began, Cause it's the race we run But it keeps us at the start, And it's the song I sung From the bottom of my heart, That's how we...
Read you like a polygraph, Not one single bone in your back, Own up to how you let us down
Except for you and me, love, Everyone is the same, We know, we know, we know, we know. But if to live we have to be numb I'd rather know the pain, I'd rather know, I'd rather know...
This happens almost never But it happened once to me, And this will never be same, The ends we seam together...
I'm not after fame and fortune, I'm after you, When I've served my time I swear I will come back for you
As their castles crumble slowly We watch them fall, The crown slips from heads unworthy Right on to ours, but I'm after you...
С недостойных голов
Мы - ваши дети, которых вы Отвергаете и игнорируете, Эти крики, полные боли, Рождаются в самых глубинах наших сердец. Вы не имеете права отказываться от нас, Ведь мы - ваша плоть и кровь, И мы не исчезнем, даже если вы Крепко-крепко зажмуритесь, Так ответьте же...
Любовь и потери, словно пули, Рассекают мою впалую грудь, Света нет из-за короткого замыкания...
[Припев:] Стены их дворцов медленно обваливаются, И мы следим за их падением, Корона соскальзывает с недостойных голов, И мы захватываем власть...
Это семья, которую мы сами перечеркнули Или которой у нас никогда и не было, А это война, которую мы проиграли В тот самый день, когда она началась, Ведь это гонка, и мы бежим изо всех сил, Но, кажется, мы все еще на старте, А это песня, которая родилась В самых глубинах моего сердца, И мы...