On a sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice, different things that look alike. On a Sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice, many many things that look alike.
Ice & water. Steak & cow. Autumn this year & last year. Spark & burn. Rain & cloud. A, B, C, D
Tuesday, Wednesday, so is Friday How 'bout moons & headlights? What I say & what I think. A-B-C-D-E-F...
Cause you're on the go ('cause you're on the go) I was born (I was Born) In the memory (in the memory) By the flat of names.
On a sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice different things that look alike On a Sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice many many -look alike.
On this planet, drinking my coffee I notice I notice, different things that are alike On this planet, drinking my coffee I notice, I notice, many many things that are alike.
Everything is born from this planet a number, a TV, even thoughts that entertain. Everything is out of this planet a boyfriend a pencil, even your new videos. & everything is.....
On this planet, riding my bike I notice, I notice, different things that are alike. On this planet, riding my bike I notice, I notice, many many -look alike.
On this planet, riding my bike I notice, I notice, different things that are alike. On this planet, riding my bike I notice, I notice, new & universal look alikes.