I cast my brother in the lion's den Pieced back together limb by limb Distorting scenery in black and relaying truths I never use
Was it once? was it twice? Was there light in your eyes? Out of key with the choir Come at me with a SLOW KNIFE
I saw you waving from across the sea Connecting words with perfect ease You spit your venom, I bathe in blood Our free fall fears I split my tongue
Was it once? was it twice? Was there light in your eyes? Out of key with the choir Come at me with a SLOW KNIFE
I cast my body in the lion's den My fear no motive, no sleight of hand Distorting phrases I can't tongue The future's humming like I knew it would Here again I see no end Dark wave movement Silver veins of dissonance Rearranging
Was it once? was it twice? Was there light in your eyes? Out of key with the choir Come at me with a SLOW KNIFE