NIGHT and light, Truth and LIE BLACK and white, DEVIL and angel Heaven and HELL, EVIL and good DEATH and life, Sepulture and resurrection Wizard and elf, Miracle and misery Gold and wood, Wisdom and stupidity Magic and church, Pray and blasphemy CURSE and benediction, Malediction and blessing Bird and wind, Butterfly and WORM Wolf and MOON, Stone and grass Sun and cloud, Ocean and ship Fire and water, Air and earth Summer and winter, Heat and cold Ice and blossom, Spring and autumn Circle and triangle, Line and curve Cross and parallel, Road and stranger Peace and WAR, Soldier and pacificist Uniform and dress, Battle and wedding Tank and car, Gooseberry and chapelt Bomb and sprout, Gun and flower We go through the crashing city We go through the falling minds All these things destroy the faith All these things kill the love All these things sunder the people All these things make BLOODY history