Od Sibirije pa do Balkana Od Germanije do Grčije Od Vardarja pa vse do Triglava Sliši glas se revolucije
Mi želimo si le mir na svetu In ljubezen za vse ljudi Srečo in svobodo na planetu Ki vse bolj gori in vse bolj diši po revoluciji
Ras, dva, tri, c’mon dance with me This is time for revolution, can’t you see? Ras, dva, tri, Europe dance with me We must fight for love together and be free
Spet odhajam draga v gozdove In moda me več ne bo nazaj Vem, da ti čakala me boš večno Zdaj se v slovo poljub mi daj
Mi želimo si le mir na svetu In ljubezen za vse ljudi Srečo in svobodo na planetu Ki vse bolj gori in vse bolj diši po revoluciji
Ras, dva, tri, c’mon dance with me This is time for revolution, can’t you see? Ras, dva, tri, Europe dance with me We must fight for love together and be free
Ras, dva, tri, c’mon dance with me This is time for revolution, can’t you see? Ras, dva, tri, Europe dance with me We must fight for love together and be free
Vsi za enega, eden za vse Naj nas vodi junaško srce Revolucija naj se začne Gremo v napad, gremo v napad, gremo v napad
Ras, dva, tri, c’mon dance with me This is time for revolution, can’t you see? Ras, dva, tri, Europe dance with me We must fight for love together and be free
Ras, dva, tri, c’mon dance with me This is time for revolution, can’t you see? Ras, dva, tri, Europe dance with me We must fight for love together and be free We must fight for love together and be free We must fight for love together and be free