I broke down the wall That I built years ago She was higher than me, She was highest of all We are young and clear Did you see the rainbow over me?
And something could always happen As we don't know where it all began, when and why? We see the top of the world, but it's too high to climb.
We got wind in our sails, We got shot in the locker. Around us boundless ocean And we sailing on a dream-frigates One day I called it "Viva la Valeria"
Seagulls on the masts, poetry in air So there is so easy to breathe in full lungs today The fervent young, travelling heart and soul.. Yet Nobody knows That We're Riders on the Storm.
Almost all of you have a seasick And you know it's true - I see this fear in your eyes The fear to found yourself under water Where's too many sharks with too big teeth.
And something could always happen As we don't know where it all began, when and why? We see the bottom of the world, but it's too deep to dive.
We got wind in our sales We got shot in the locker Around us boundless oceans And we sailing on a dream-fregates One day I called it "Viva la Valeria"
Almost all of you have a seasick And you know it's true - I see this fear in your eyes The fear to found yourself under water Where's too many sharks with too big teeth.....