I Drank Bourbon After I Brushed My Teeth Last Night
I drank bourbon after I brushed my teeth last night. I had just walked down the hall, and went to turn out the light when an old picture of you fell out of a book i was carrying to bed. I drank bourbon after I brushed my teeth last night.
Some people think they know you better than they do. They will talk to you at work and even after work too. Laughing at the bar with a world ten years away in your head. Some people think they know you better than they do.
There are so many things I'd tell you if I could. I'd talk as plain as apples on a paper plate I would. I'd tell you where my heads at now but it wouldn't do any good. There are so many things to tell you if I could.
I guess I am grateful to keep you on my mind. Some part of me is so willing to be trainwrecked anytime. My heart still beats as fast as when your face was every light. I drank bourbon after I brushed my teeth last night.