Orders from authority taken with no doubt Over everything agreed Deaf, blind, mute and cold You're following the mind which is not your own
No plans for tomorrow When today is just okay Blinded by the power, You can't notice real from fake
Awesome powers from above, huge force driven by the dumb How to have a life according these standards around Seeing everything without even looking, hearing it all, but still being deaf Speaking with a closed mouth, no sympathy towards anything
Obey, obey, you must obey Who wants to play this game? Awake, awake, please get awake From the dead
Authority accepted with no doubt Over everything agreed Deaf, blind, mute and cold You're following the mind which is not your own
Obey, obey, you must obey Who wants to play this game? Awake, awake, please get awake From the dead
Please hold on tight I'll let you in a little secret: You'll never achieve a thing You don't have even a little clue
The unbound powers beyond your dreams Are to be unleashed Let your simple mind fly free, Let it breathe even for a small while!
Awesome powers from above, huge force driven by the dumb How to have a live according these standards around Seeing everything without even looking, hearing it all, but still being deaf Speaking with a closed mouth, no sympathy towards anything
Obey, obey, you must obey Who wants to play this game? Awake, awake, please get awake From the dead.