Hey, how've you been? Dreamed 'bout you lately... Whom have you seen? Miss you all... miss you daily
I saw you smile... when? Last december? Yeah, it's been awhile since you left. I remember Pain... as we're saying goodbye... the pouring rain
Oh, Me? I don't know... lost all my senses - Facing the war makes you strong yet defenseless Hell's all around, that is dying and screaming Where's no way out - you are next... so I'm dreaming
I close my eyes and hear: "Another man down." But far behind me - I'm flying - Somebody else's body's hiting the ground I'm moving away... or just trying?
I spread my wings and hear: "Another man down." more screaming, cursing and Crying Somebody else's body hitting the ground... I open my eyes... and I am this "another man down"