Tha an rathad a’ ruith gu tuath Gleanntan sgapte air gach taoibh A’ ghrian tro ghiuthas nam mòr-shliabh Saigheadan òir dhar leòn an àgh Thuirt m’ anam rium, “Nach tèid thu a-null Cuir eallach is cruaidh-chàs air do chùl Is gun cur an t-àite sealach fàilte oirnn Is bi mi còmhla riut an dràsd”
Sunndach a tha mi Tron oighreachd bhòidheach, bhòidheach bhuan Bha thu daonnan na mo smuaint Tro laithean ìseal is bristeadh-cridhe Tog orm mo chiall, tog orm mo bhith Le cridhe aodrom, cridheil, ciùin A liuthad cuan a ghiulain do dhaoine Is iad a’ triall na slighe bhuat
Is ged tha an saoghal dol bun os cionn Is astar bhliadhnaichean tighinn oirnn Is ged tha mo dhùil ag èirigh suas Is iomadh sgurr a bhios fo sgleò Ach tha na sìontan liath, is na sìontan blàth Le blàths cho diamhair is nach gabh e inns Is tha an lus tha fàs air croit Dhomnaill Bhàin Cho buidhe an-diugh is a bha i riamh
The road is stretching to the north Great glens scattered on every side The sun glinting through the mountain pines Arrows of gold wounding us in joy My soul said, \"Come across to see me Put your burdens and hardships behind you This temporary place will give us welcome And I will be with you again\"
I am contented Passing through the beautiful, eternal landscape You were always in my thoughts Through the low days and the heartbreak Lift up my understanding, clothe me in my existence With a light, a pleasing and a gentle heart Many were the oceans that carried your people As they journeyed far from you
Although the world has turned upside down And the distance of years is upon us And although my hope is riding to the heights Many clouds will approach the summit But the skies are blue, the skies are warm With a warmth so profound it can not be described And the flower that is growing an Domhnall Ban's croft Is as yellow as it ever was